Our Products...
Vinayaka Seals
VINAYAKA SEALS has the expert engineering and material expertise to provide high performance diaphragms in standard or custom designed sizes for any application. We are well expertise in manufacturing elastomer diaphragms with fabric reinforcement. Our experts can discuss innovation, products and advancements and will share their insights on rubber and fabric selection, diaphragms style and construction and other factors specific to your custom diaphragms needs.

A valve regulates, direct or control the flow of media by opening , closing or partially obstructing passage ways. An elastomer vale seat or seal is required to close the passageway and create a leak tight seal. It is a detachable surface part in the valve used to support the fully closed position of the valve plate and constitute a sealing pair.
VINAYAKA Valve Seat are available in NBR, VITON, SILICONE, NEOPRENE and EPDM Rubber.